Wisconsin Spice, Inc. has recently made extensive investment in its retail packaging capabilities, and is quickly creating a reputation as a premier supplier of co-packed and private label mustards.
Whereas others may offer standard packaging and product options, Wisconsin Spice welcomes differentiation. Consistent with Wisconsin Spice, Inc.’s mission, partnerships with co-pack and private label customers are fostered and nourished by customization.
Companies who wish to leverage the power of their brand name through co-pack partnerships should not settle for the same packaging and flavor offerings as their competition, and Wisconsin Spice meets this need by offering customizable flavor and package options, at the highest quality and lowest price.
Wisconsin Spice, Inc. has quickly grown a reputation as a leader in co-packing retail mustards. Wisconsin Spice works collaboratively with co-pack partners in developing the optimal product formulation and packaging format. Wisconsin Spice’s thirst and appreciation for flexibility – both in terms of product formulation and packaging – in working with co-pack partners is unmatched, all while offering the most competitive pricing in the market. We hope to show you our unique approach to co-pack partnerships!
To learn more about private label and co-pack opportunities with Wisconsin Spice, Inc. please contact: [email protected].